How To Restore A Snapstreak?


The gravity of sadness is unimaginable when our long-term Snapstreak ends; I know your situation because in November 2024 this year, my 3-year Snapstreak ended because of some reasons, and I was trying to figure out how to restore it, so if you are also in such a situation, then in this guide I will explain the best method to restore Snapstreaks.

What is a Snapstreak?

I know you are already aware of the Snapstreak meaning. But, if you are new to this streak thing, then let me explain it in one line, once you and your friend send a photo or video to each other for 72 hours within every 24 hours, that is it; you both will be on streak.

And to keep it going, you both have to share snaps with each other every 24 hours, otherwise your streak will end.

How to Restore a Lost Snapstreak?

Now, let's talk about the 1st method to restore a snap streak for which you are reading this article -

Use Snapchat+ Free Restore Pass

If you are a Snapchat Plus subscriber, then you are lucky because you will have 1 free Snapstreak restore pass, and you will get this pass every month for free.

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